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Red Flags in Relationships
That Could Be Signs of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence isn’t just physical and there are many signs of abuse that aren’t easily identifiable.


Abusers will attempt to control various aspects of their partner’s life, including their home, finances, relationships, freedom, and mental well-being. These behaviors and tactics build over time, and like a frog sitting in a pot of water that begins to boil, it can be hard for victims to recognize what’s happening until it becomes extremely difficult to get out of the dangerous situation.


While there are some red flags that may signal someone is in an abusive relationship, overall, it's important to trust your gut instinct. If someone is researching whether they’re in a domestic violence situation, chances are, the answer is yes.

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Be on the alert if you identify these red flags:
  • The beginning of the relationship moves quickly, and early on you may feel like you’ve never shared such a strong connection with someone.

  • They are charming, flawless, and almost “too good to be true.”

  • They are your best friend, which makes it hard to leave or ignore them.

  • They constantly ask you where you are and checks in throughout the day.

  • They don’t let you spend time alone.

  • They insist that you stop participating in hobbies, school, your job, or other activities.

  • They are excessively jealous.

  • They accuse you of being unfaithful to them.

  • They ignore boundaries that you set.

  • They have a history of abusing others.

  • They blame their past relationship failures entirely on their ex-partners, calling them “crazy.”

  • They make excuses for why they don’t have money, often blaming others, and makes you pay.

  • They try to control your finances and your ability to earn an income.

  • They rage out of control when you’re alone with them but maintain composure around others.

  • You find yourself apologizing after they have an outburst.

  • They find ways to create distance between you and your friends and family.

  • They criticize you, and tell you that you’re crazy, stupid, unattractive, and undesirable.

  • They don’t take responsibility for their behavior and blame others.

  • They manipulate you to get their way.

  • You find yourself questioning your own judgment.

Abusive relationship red flags to watch out for
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Dianne Feinstein quote about domestic violence
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